I stand by Interstellar being a great movie, in the tradition of many works of sci-if that give up character development and normal plot logic in order to explore really big ideas. I've read some novels by Stephen Baxter, for example, like _Ring_, which does such violence to normal plot development and realistic dialogue that the characters basically just speak the twists into existence. But the ideas are *huge* and that's why it's good. I think of Interstellar as being the same kind of thing.

Haven't seen Oppenheimer yet. I don't know why. Maybe I'll watch it in December right before Interstellar gets the re-release.

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But what are Interstellar’s ideas? It’s all Romantic vibes, all “We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down, and worry about our place in the dirt.” That’s not an idea, it’s a mood.

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No, I mean the stuff about where humanity will live after the Earth is uninhabitable, the possibility of faster than light travel by means of wormholes, interstellar exploration, that kind of stuff.

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Can we also get a critique of Inception?

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Nah, Inception is good.

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